Project Details

Abstract: Customers upload a list of phone numbers to drdnc.com to “bounce” of the Federal DNC registry list: https://www.donotcall.gov/ to return a list of phone numbers not on the DNC list.

Written in-house, a revolutionary processing method* utilizing google’s memory caching to compare millions of records and return the results within seconds. The drdnc.com website contains features such as user account management, historical file storage, payment processing and automatic notifications based on the maintenance schedule for www.donotcall.gov.

Static front end utilizing HTML, PHP and Javascript.

User Interface and Site Integrations:
User authentication and account management, and payment processing through stripe.com. User’s credentials are passed to https://www.donotcall.gov/ to return phone numbers that should be removed from the source list.

Amazon EC2 instance, SCALA, and google’s app engine.

*Processing method results in a significant performance advantage from a compressed bitset search index to process all records in memory.

Client: drdnc.com

Date: February, 2012

Categories: Business, Development, Payment


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